I cannot believe what I am reading. The news spreads like wildfire. Suddenly our colorful truth-stretching
interesting beloved alcoholic brother is holding forth like a preacher. And if there are any doubting Thomases (He
must have read his Bible somewhere), he says he’ll stick out his tongue at
them. 🌝 No more dead meat in his mouth; he’s already
envisioning next ‘storytime’ at local coffee shop!
I too am incredulous – and so is another of my
brothers. We of the greater theological education on said subject put our heads together in thoughtful telephone conversation. Even as we
are both excited and obviously relieved, we agree to wait and
see. Wait and see yields
confirmation! Yes indeed, next morning Philip's
wife confirms she too is convinced.
Apparently this is beyond explanation in the medical units in the
hospital. Dead matter appears to be
throbbing with life, swelling and throbbing to recovery as a successful surgery
Now the reflective confession. I believe. Even so, please consider the perspective of this elder
brother! "Deep calls to deep", says Psalm 42:6 in my Bible. Based on this and many other experiences, my faith includes more than this. I see ample invitation to believe because of or perhaps in spite of this evidence. While this was transpiring in a
Saskatoon hospital, here was I at home in Calgary, reading
a recently published book Making the Crooked Places Straight by Carol
Harrison and Ruth Keighley (Carol’s Corner Publishing, 2020). Unlike my brother’s declarative testimony
this book is full, absolutely full, of claims to God’s miraculous involvement in
people’s lives, anecdotally recorded page after page. The incidents and the sermon move along side
by side, nary a paragraph that does not mention God the one who makes crooked
places straight. It is a compilation of heartwarming stories of
individuals and their encounter with a miracle-working God. Philip’s testimony is a one-time incident
which defies explanation – mere mortal expert in his story!
Indeed. The
temptation is now to run on into a bit of an evaluation of two very different
approaches to and experiences of God the Higher Power (AA lingo) or God the
Miracle Worker (born again lingo). At
this point in my life I am not inclined to go the exclusivist way. I am enthused and I am humbled by both of
these accounts happening right before my eyes. Rather than disclaiming or validating one or
the other I receive these as a confirmation of my growing understanding and
experience of both God the HP and the MW.
As I have written in my profile (check it out ), I am inspired
especially of late, to reserve judgement on exactly who holds the patent on the
most accurate description of God and God’s doings.
I remember a lesson from many years ago in a college Old
Testament class. Dr. Waldemar Janzen was
holding forth on the names of God. Moses
was anxious about how the people would receive him if he came to them with a word from God. Then God says to Moses, “I
am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites:
‘I am has sent me to you.’” (Exodus 3:14). In the O.T. are many names for God, El
Shaddai, Elohim, Immanuel, to name a few, and all best summarized in the
consonants YHWH. However, as per instruct to Moses, do not become
too concerned about the articulation of My name. More important is the need for you to know
In fact,
just knowing that One is enough to get me speaking in tongues, but that’s topic
for another time.