Thursday, February 22, 2024

Of Revelations and Life

A few days after my latest blogpost I encountered a bit of self-reproach, or was it anxiety. At any rate, it was some further thinking. Unlike most of my tomes (?) which garner considerable responses and some good conversation, this one showed many hits, yet minimal responses. That became reason for this ... reflection. I always instruct myself to write only from my genuine self, and before pressing ‘publish’ the reminder from Shakespeare’s famous line, “to thine own self be true.”[i] I need to be able to live with what has appeared. Within these parameters I allow myself to “say things as I sees em.”😏 This time, had I offended, or even worse in my perfectionist brain, perhaps been unclear in what I was getting at? [One friend, a magazine editor, actually told me so]. It has become clear to me that this was a large subject, very large actually, and somewhat new territory for many. Therefore it's probably appropriate, perhaps even important, to just press on! I am within my parameters and fascinated with topic at hand, enough to dig into it a little more! Also I must say, one of the responders, namely my cheerful learned younger brother, provided some good information plus his ever encouraging perspective, a welcome gift to this old preacher. Hang on folks, there’s a little more on that incendiary topic of Mormonism!

I believe in knowledge. I also believe in wisdom. A humble pursuit of knowledge can be an excellent contribution to wisdom, usually over a bit of time. My brother, whom I cited among the clowns in a recent article, [ii] also contributes to the wisdom column. He does a huge amount of reading, sometimes at night, in his adventurous activist life in Colorado. I will share a few of his quotes as we move along here. 

Mormonism is not the all-inclusive name. Although the referent name in most casual talk, I have become aware that my local Latter Day Saints neighbors cringe a bit if I use that term in conversation. Apparently it’s a colloquialism, almost a slang word. My brother says there is disagreement among LDSers on that, including some denominational alignment/realignment based on use of that term! That is something they have in common with all of Christendom, thousands of mainline and reformed and reorganized denominations all over the world!

Regarding origin, why not quote from my brother. I smile because I know his style will make this piece interesting, possibly even a little entertaining (usually he’s too busy formulating thoughts about subject at hand to bother with capitalization). 😉“they continue to track their origin to sir joseph smith w. unfeigning sincerity.  smith evidently had his first revelation of 1820 in or near palmyra, n.y., where god & jesus christ visited him, w. golden plates. part of this experience (further visions, w. 5 of his friends?) may also have been in fayette, n.y.  anyway, this visit was the 'first vision', as it's often referred to. it began a series of events that would restore jesus's church to the earth.[iii] This information, although not new to me, still comes as a surprise because it's one of the few things we have never yet spoken about! Mormon beginnings are right in there among the Jews, Muslims and Christians. Yes, it's Old Testament plus some additional visioning to a teenaged American boy named Joseph Smith, requiring a move across the ocean and into the middle of the United States. The Bible’s message, of course, is for everyone everywhere, across all oceans to all continents. But this is the New Testament's "go ye" mandate of Jesus after he was arisen from the dead (Matthew 28:19-20). To revisualize this as Old Testament prophecy is premature, and in my mind rather aggressive. But what can be done after a vision has been seen! 😏 Anyway, my brother's email goes on, 1831 joseph led his crew to live temporarily in kirtland, ohio (enroute further west, tho they called it east). i think it was here that hebr. prophet isaiah's vision of ca. 3000 yr ago, was confirmed by the joseph team as proof of god's preordained time to brand utah as the holy land.  here was 'the place' as next leader, brigham young (following joseph's death in 1844) stated it, where salt lake city would serve as the apocalyptic new jerusalem and Utah's Jordan river would serve as the reestablished palestinian jordan river and its flow into the salty waters of sea of galilee.  these and many other geographic construals had to do w. the forging of peace in today's palestine, as necessary prep. for return of messiah.[iv]

Two things happening here. On the one hand, my brother pushes the absurdity button, quite alongside most Bible-believing Christians. The LDS origin, purporting to be back there in the Old Testament, includes a movement of holy writ to another continent. The Isaiah 53 savior promise is one thing; but to present this as a latter-day transference (construal?) of Jesus to a new Palestine in Utah is a presumption akin to rewriting of history (not unknown in some other countries, including present day Russia, Canada and U.S. Just ask the Indigenous)! Both Old and New Testaments warn against adding to or taking away from the scriptures (e.g. Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18). That is likely the reason why Bible scholars and even my early Bible school education places the Mormons squarely among the cults! Much further information is available in libraries everywhere for anyone interested to dig into this interesting topic![v]

On the other hand, there is a futuristic ingredient in these revelations which provide a positive intrigue, especially these days as the world contorts itself in warfare of apocalyptic proportion right back there in the near east, the land of the three monotheistic religions, each believing in that one God. Of note is the Latter Day Saints’ reference to forging of peace in today’s Palestine (Utah? Middle East?), as a necessary preparation for the return of Jesus. No matter how one understands that interpretation, the possibility of peace would be a wonderful answer to the prayers of many! Pacifism, however, seems not in their playbook. In fact their trek from New York to Utah reads like script for a wild west movie, especially the arrest and murder of Joseph Smith in Carthage, Illinois. Furthermore, military and/or missionary service are apparent expectations for their young people as they grow up. These family expectations and their rugged entry into the U.S. may explain why peace churches and genuine pacifists are confused about seemingly contradictory teachings and practice. Surface impression is that Latter Day Saints are big players in the U.S. God and country military mindset along with the evangelical right. 

Obviously this is further grist for the mill. Also I acknowledge I am not fully informed about topic at hand. Further theology and discipleship conversation is needed - including nurture of relationships! What better way to nurture relationships than to be neighborly in the very communities we live in? My LDS neighbors are at forefront of local service projects. Further, the local LDS Bishop is full participant in some honorable dialogue among members of our Calgary Interfaith Council, which includes Indigenous and Colonial Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, B’hai, Sikh - apparently some stressful recent meetings for obvious reasons, and yet a positive contribution to municipal political environment in this city.[vi]

I cannot but conclude with a concern, this directed not only to my Mormon friends, but also to fellow Mennonites and many other Christians. As a believer within the Peace Churches tradition, I say, “if the LDS claim their church is prerequisite to peace in Palestine and of Jesus’ return to earth, would it not be appropriate for them to be practising pacifists?"  And this also!  Why is it that Christians of all stripes, including us peace-churchers, especially our executives, the journalists and media experts, are more conversant in sound bites, in Zionist prophecies or military strategies, along with coffee-shop or watering-hole politician critiques, than in the teachings and the suffering love of Jesus the Messiah and Savior? Indeed Jesus has promised his return, the day and the hour we do not know (Acts 1:7). There is no biblical requirement to first be on membership role in the LDS church or any other church for that matter, but there is a mandate for followers of Jesus to be peacemakers in this broken world. Would that all people regardless of rank or church affiliation (or non-affiliation) might act on what they know in their heart. 

In conclusion I repeat the same scripture text as at end of my last post, and one additional scripture for anyone who realizes perhaps it's time to get on board with the faith pilgrimage. It truly is a realistic invitation. Here they are, both in the King James Version, the received and preferred version for the Latter Day Saints.

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me (John 14:6).

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me (Revelation 3:20).


[i] Hamlet, Act I, scene 3.

[ii] 2023, November 22, “Redemptive Clowns”,

[iii] Peter Sprunger Froese, “email message,” February 17, 2024.

[iv] Ibid.

[v] One fascinating read with comedic storyline is Avi Steinberg, The Lost Book of Mormon: A Journey through the Mythic Lands of Nephi, Zarahemla, & Kansas City, Missouri (New York: Doubleday, 2014). See also a riveting nonfiction by Alex Beam, American Crucifixion (New York: Public Affairs, 2014).

[vi] Sarah Arthurs, “Our Shared Voice During This Time of Conflict,”, March 5, 2024.

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