Thursday, March 26, 2020

An Angel

We were coming home from a day trip to the mountains. The car was alive with laughter and cheerful stories. Our son driving, had just finished a story about his Calgary bad luck. Never gets speeding tickets in Ontario (where they live), but here Calgary – every time! Thus went the banter. Suddenly out jumps a bright yellow vest, arms waving. Pull over!
Oh no, sad moans in passenger and back seat. Our lament accompanies our son beginning ‘the friendly conversation’ with the officer, telling him about unfortunate family relaxing trip which caused him not to see speed sign back there, etc. 70 km and we did 97! No excuses, Bentley pulls out his licence, and my wife instructs where to find the car registration. As she does so she carries on with the motherly thing, “We were all talking, distracting. We’ll help you pay the ticket Bentley”. “No, no” says our son and then a bit more conversation about that. Then the shocker! The officer hands back the paperwork, “Watch the signs next time, okay,” he says with a smile. .
Well it took but a split-second for all the joviality to return. Thank you’s poured out of our Honda – thanking him even for coming from Australia (yes, an accent!) to be the nicest officer on our police force.
As we drove away I said, “Kids, that was an angel. God knew we did not need a ticket to wreck this excellent day. And Bentley, God also knew you did not need yet another Calgary ticket!”
Interesting, this time nobody challenged dad’s theological assessment!

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