Thursday, March 26, 2020

Road Fizzle

Road Rage. It makes headlines periodically. This morning I had an altercation which could well have made the news, but instead just fizzled into an incident. It was in New Westminster, BC. Coming out of Front St. with my big truck I got so cut off by a pickup he could not even fit lengthwise between my front bumper and the vehicle ahead of him. This without as much as a hint of signal light – enough to piss off even a preacher!

Traffic came to a dead stop. There he sat. I decided enough of this; it was my second cut off of the morning. This boy needs to learn of my displeasure! I gave little toot on my air horn, immediately got his guilty-faced attention, saw the f-word on his smirky lips, pointed to his right hand taillight showing no signal, read more f-words on his face. I dynamited my brakes (engaged) opened my door and onto the street! He storms out of his little truck and, anticipating a rumble, takes both hands and shoves me, almost knocking me over. I regained balance and then leaned over but did not hit him (good thing because a buddy of his appeared from another pickup truck). Then I hit him with a sentence I am still proud of, “Young fella. When you cut in like that without signals, you will cause accidents”. Now he and his buddy got into the swearing and the bravado – signals were on and I am so dead! It was too loud and too juvenile. I felt an upper hand. “Listen guys. No need for any of this. Next time you decide to cut me off, at least use your signal, okay”. I said it calmly – thank you Lord! With that I turned around, walked back to my truck, got in and closed the door. They did the same.
I was shook up a bit, but two minutes later we were all moving along in traffic. No revved engines, no more gestures – just two obviously relieved construction workers. I think this trucker made his point, and I got the funny feeling tomorrow morning if they drive same route again, they will perhaps drive a bit less aggressively
Road rage? What a waste. I am glad this time I had presence of mind to address the incident relationally. The other option – sitting and swearing to myself, allows bad habits to continue, and it gives truckers heart attacks! This morning’s road fizzle was time well spent.

Truckstop Worship

This morning I attended a chapel service at TA truck stop in Gary, IN. The scripture was Rom 13:1-7 (Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities…..) and my guard came up immediately, not quite ready to hear yet another Americanized version of the ‘gospel’ in this election year. Surprise folks, this lay Baptist preacher laid it out clear and profoundly for this congregation of truckers, security personnel and a couple of locals perhaps of no fixed address. He told us that God’s order (I quibble with him theologically) is not to be questioned. When a government gets elected they become ministers of God (good biblical illustrations like King Nebuchadnezzar in OT cleaning up on God’s unfaithful people, the Israelites 2 Kings 24ff, etc). Then he drove home the point to ALL of us, “what business do we have criticizing and arguing about politics and work – or lack thereof – everything under the sun IF WE DO NOT PRAY FOR AND HONOR THOSE WHO ARE CHARGED WITH ORDERING THE LAND?” He spoke fearlessly and selflessly, assuring us that the only REAL leader and real satisfaction is available thru God’s Son Jesus Christ. He was indeed the bearer of Good News for all of us (yup he concluded with the hope of the lion and the lamb eating and lying together, Isa. 11:6).
I found myself very grateful for the blessing which I received from a local preacher in this unexpected location sometimes referred to as the hell hole of the U.S. I thanked him for his anointed ministry of the morning. I did not bother to engage him in a theological critique of the faith or unfaith stance of those governing authorities. I walked away giving thanks to God for providing the nurture and the guidance which I needed on this day – no more and no less.
… 7 years later
Quite a few years later and I am grateful for that particular morning in Chicago in 2012. I still have the theological reservations which I identified there, and also gratitude for the openness and the grace I demonstrated that morning to hear the message for all those gathered that day.
Today’s 2019 setting reminds me, reminds us still, to pray for governing authorities and also obey – as far as our faith in God allows! Today I pray for Christians facing that very same tension in Hong Kong!

A Possibility of Sleep

Tonight we had a Maunday Thursday service in our church. It was a modest version with lots of prayers, some silent reflection, and of course Apostles Creed, Lords Prayer, etc. Several times I received some jabs at left side of rib cage. It was my wife lovingly helping me not to disturb fellow worshipers with my deep breathing – ie wake up honey!

Our pastor just wrote about the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France. Main point being that worship is more than a building – especially true for us Mennonites not known for glamorous architecture.

Seems to me, however – and this is my main point – that Holy Week can be celebrated in simple circles or in ornate cathedrals. Sleep or sleepiness is possible in either setting. The true meaning of Holy Week can be grasped wherever, whenever - and this is not a sleepy idea! Jesus suffered, and he was resolute and realistic about the consequences of his life and teachings. “Lord Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me a sleepy sinner.  And please have mercy upon most easter egg easter bunny people, hardly thinking of the passion, the dying which preceded Easter Sunday”.

Holy Week. Been there, but He done that. No time for sleeping, regardless of the place!

Toilet Wisdom

At a Winnipeg Robins Donuts bathroom I read a funny graffiti. No profanity, just a few choice words neatly printed on the roll towel dispenser.  I could not but laugh out loud while doing my business therein. And a smile still on my face as I departed!

Please install dispenser lower!
I had to stand on the toilet to wipe my ass.
(Signed). A very disappointed customer.


Definitely a colourful way of saying they were out of toilet paper. 😆

Studying with Friends

It's time for bed. However I mustneeds enthuse about a Bible Study tonight – with Muslims, no less! I refer to them as men of faith. What a delight to speak openly with them about their perception of Allah, and ours of God, all of us monotheists with a slightly different understanding of how to be in the presence of ‘the Divine One’. More on this later. Gnight y’all.