Monday, January 13, 2025

Gout Kills

Once upon a time I was a long distance trucker. I have clear memory of a very unsolicitous incident. 

Driving down an inter-state highway in California, my right foot was killing me. It was so bad I could not touch the brake pedal without yelping in pain, dared not even hover around the pedal, so it seemed! Fortunately, with air brakes I was able to resort to trailer brakes via handle on the steering column of my truck, left foot doing the necessary fine tunes (clutch or brake) on the floor only as needed! Ow! [My 18 speed manual shift not yet one of those auto transmission units gliding along these days] I messaged dispatch to inform of my plight and that I would stop in at a nearby walk-in medical clinic. Message reply was reminder I had another appointment, namely delivery of my load! I responded to that with uncharacteristic bravado, "ER foot pain first." My dispatcher agreed (knew this operator's on time every time delivery record). End result was my first experience of 'miracle medicine.' After a considerable wait at the Walk In Clinic, this unbeliever limped into a nearby pharmacy and picked up ... a small prescription of Colchicine! Two hours later I was a believer happily singing down the highway, pain-free (almost), and next morning my load delivered as per usual on-time in Los Angeles. How undramatic the life of a trucker who delivers his loads on time! 😖😉   
Los Angeles in the Morning

This is the story I was reminded of when my wife woke me up this morning after an all-night sleep, the first time in months not even with the normal 3 a.m. pee. The evening before, after a few days of increasing pain in my right ankle we called an emergency hotline, immediately warned it may be a blood clot. Off to our local Urgent Care, after short exam asked if gout was in my medical history I said "no" - and then corrected myself, remembering suddenly every detail of that incident years ago. Bingo, this was it again as per these ER medical professionals. Again a little trip to a pharmacy, and again a prescription, this time Indomethacin, latest medication for said pain immediately recognized by my daughter, a pharmacy technician now - and a teenager back then! 

Dreadful pain to no pain fits into the miracle category for me. Biblical examples come to mind. There are so many instances of Jesus performing a healing - like instantaneously - and then issues to be dealt with, often raised by onlookers: Should you do that on the Sabbath? (John 7:23); who sinned to get you a blind son? (John 9); or inter-relatedness of healing or sins forgiven (Matthew 9:4-7). Seems like ofttimes the healing becomes the immediate context performed by Jesus the protagonist, and that followed by discussion, debate, learning, and even leaving it for another day (Luke 4:30). 

These gout occasions, although terribly painful, are not necessarily thought of as potential miracle incidents, but I do know if Jesus was going by just when the uric acid crystals scratch my joints, I also would cry out, and so rejoice if the pain would end right then and there! My doctor, although a man of faith, speaks calmly about many body functions including gout or brain waves seemingly all treated with medications. "It's all about chemicals," he says. Although I don’t quite believe him on this point, when he prescribes a helping drug, my disposition is near to proclaiming him the miracle worker. So it goes! Although I stop short of idolizing him (because sometimes he's wrong) 😇 his words are on par with topic at hand. Health and pain is similar to flowing water and plugged pipes or veins, living breath (ruach) given or taken away, Holy Spirit and Evil Spirit? Among the many dramatic healing and forgiving stories of Jesus, I note he also was known to 'follow up', namely sit with a freshly healed or forgiven beggar or prostitute to help them make new life decisions, e.g. "go sin no more" (John 8:10-12). His healing love probably also included tough love. Much to ponder and also give thanks for. 

Whatever my prognosis in these few paragraphs, I maintain that God is here among our pains, whether stretched out for long periods or terrible 911 occasions. Sometimes the healing seems miraculous if someone knows how to make the right diagnosis, and even more so if in the acknowledged presence of the One who's been there all the time, and knows how to retain the healed life. Thank you Lord.

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