Thursday, June 6, 2024

Crying Help

It is not too often that inspiration is received at AGM’s (Annual General Meetings). After an almost lifetime of dutiful attendance and/or reporting at these things I confess my expectations kind of minimal. Surprise, I just caught some inspiration that will not go away, and it happened smack dab in the middle of such an assembly here in our city of Calgary. And it was not a church meeting! It was more than that! It happened May 30 at duly announced annual meeting of Calgary Interfaith Council.

This one was labeled as AGM Plus. 'Plus' was the only variable from announcement of previous meetings, anticipated agenda the usual review of the year’s activities and a look into some plans for the following year. With respectful attention to this year’s hosts, shoes were removed and head coverings donned, normal protocol at the Gurdwara Guru Nanak Sikh Centre. The full dinner served compliments of this community could not be ignored; perhaps that was the Plus? Delicious!

And the inspiration? It came along after the delicious meal, after land acknowledgement and opening prayers, once down to business at hand. Our Chairperson, Dr Harjot Kaur Singh, addressing the group regarding last year’s events, included account of some ‘extra meetings’ necessitated shortly after the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel which then led to Israeli retaliatory attacks on Gaza which we see, read and hear about every day. Given CIC's purpose statement as drawn up in 2017 "to build a more just and respectful Calgary through: Deepening relationships across faith traditions; Celebrating diversity; and Learning from and about each other," Dr. Singh spoke clearly about mandate for the Board to “sit with one another” even amid the stress of differing faith representatives to do exactly what is the declared purpose. I remember her words, “Just when we realized we were getting nowhere with our resolve, we received request from our Mayor to join in.” The mayor attended an interfaith prayer meeting. It was an offer of help, and obviously also asking for help, herself experiencing political pushback thanks to a ceremonial decision she had made. This is what became the impetus, a new atmosphere for faith leaders to provide important municipal leadership. In short order they became a working team, and a helpful statement emerged.[i]

Needless to say the surprising civic involvement of this Interfaith Board has stimulated a spiritual throb not only in the interfaith community but also municipal politics in this city. I think of a passage in my sacred text (as my Bible gets labeled in these circles): Galatians 5:9 A little yeast leavens the whole batch..." Faith communities of considerable variety seem to be pleased with this positive neighborly witness. Indigenous, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Hindu, B’hai and others of our interfaith community are collaborating. Community agony is better than community anger. Together we are sharing a Calgary-based message with our city and with national and indeed international neighbors.

These faith leaders are to be commended. They sat down because they knew they should, and even as the differences loomed high among them our mayor got involved, and it then became what can only be described as a sacred gathering. It is people of faith in a timely manner claiming what is at the heart of us all. Inspiration on this occasion was slightly beyond the good planning. I call it Holy Spirit power.

Once again this is a season of politics in Alberta. The New Democrats (NDP) are selecting a new leader in preparation for the 2027 election. Tonight one of the candidates was hosting a Q and A session. Very experienced and very impressively she fielded questions from all corners and walks of life. But one question she failed on. Asked about her take on present day Antisemitism and Islamophobia, she became unfocused and diplomatic. I suggested in Zoom chat that she check out the statement recently created by Calgary Interfaith Council – definitely better than the political strategies touted by politicians and media every day; definitely closer to the answer! 

Why not ask Yahweh, Allah, Creator God to perform that wonder working yeastly power instead of forging another armaments deal. Interfaith has the Faith answer.

[i] Ryan, Jessica, March, 2024.


  1. Loved the post. Though provoking. Particularly liked the phrase. "Community agony is better than community anger" We join in the pain and suffering of so many. Thanks Jacob for your leadership.

    1. Thank you so much. I 'edited in' that particular sentence only yesterday, just before FB post. Must have been a good idea! Now if only the positive experience in our city could bring about a ceasefire over there.

  2. I too appreciated your post very much, and was also particularly taken with the sentence “Community agony is better than community anger”. I’d call that addition HSE; Holy Spirit Editing. Hilda Franz

    1. Thank you my dear elder sister. You are so kind. And it is ceasefire time!

  3. Jake,
    Just happened to bump into this - seemingly accidentally - don’t recall how - maybe a random link??

    Strong motivation to say, “Hello! How are you? Long time no see/hear!””

    Read the blog - find it very interesting and heartening - the fact that a “truly” interfaith group is able to converse as you report.

    In PA, (1980s), when I and a few other ragtag pastors were elected to exec the (Christian) citywide ministerial. We spent 2 yrs breaking a cycle of “mainline vs evangelicals”, which, thankfully, was successful for a time.

    Not sure there could have been an interfaith, had we tried - time in history?

    Clare N.

    1. Surprise! I thought this one gone and forgotten by now! I appreciate your response Clare, including the comment about ecumenical and interfaith. Big difference; blessed friendship with Indigenous, Sikh, Muslim, Mormon, B'hai and others. Mennonite Evangelicals like me very welcome. PTL.
